Excavation - What To Expect With The Construction Of A Pool

A backyard swimming pool may be an upgrade that you have been looking forward to. A pool contractor can help you decide upon an ideal location and the features that your new water feature will possess. Excavation is the first step in building your new pool, and you can prepare for this important project by familiarizing yourself with the necessary steps.

The Process

An excavator is a piece of machinery that contains a track base and a digging attachment. A large excavator is used for projects that are easily accessible. These projects are in a spacious area that does not contain any permanent features that impede machinery from moving across the land. If fencing, trees, or the size of your yard will hinder a machine operator from maneuvering an excavator through your yard, a compact excavator may be used instead.

Before the project begins, your pool contractor will finalize your plans and will lay an outline of the pool in the area where the pool will be constructed. The outline aids an excavating team in cutting through the earth in a precise manner.

During the excavation process, the outline of the pool will be slightly enlarged. This is to ensure that there will be plenty of room to install the flexible wood or fiberboard forms that are necessary for pouring the concrete. Once the concrete has cured, the forms will be removed and excess dirt that has been set aside will be used to backfill the space around the perimeter of the water feature.

Noise And Land Disruption

An excavator and a couple of dump trucks will be driven across your property. Once the excavator begins cutting through the ground, the noise level will increase considerably and you will be greeted with the sight of fresh soil being lifted and dumped into a pile. This experience may be slightly disruptive, if you are meticulous about the upkeep of your property or if you are used to quiet surroundings. However, the excavation process can be completed in a day or two.

The end result will be a beautiful water feature for your backyard that you can enjoy. The soil that has been removed will be hauled away, once the excavation team has finished, and planting grass seed will restore your property's appearance. If you are concerned about what your neighbors will experience, due to the noise level, let them know your intentions, so that they are not caught off guard. 

For more information about excavation services, contact a local contractor.
